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Goals & Boundaries: Guard Your Productivity
Do you ever meet with people only to have them give more focus to their phone, texts and emails than to you? In a society full of distractions, where phones are extensions of our arms and our phone notifications come in all types of sounds, vibrations and flashes, it is a great compliment to have someone’s total focus.

Imagine what results we might achieve when our undistracted focus is applied towards our goal?

“And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” Luke 2:49

We have to defend our productivity time.

Jesus had a BUSY “speaking schedule”; people were asking things of him everywhere He went. He always had crowds seeking him out. Despite great demands on his time, He guarded his productivity by taking the time to get away from people. During these times, He prayed. Do you take time to get away, taking the time to think in a distraction-free environment?

Carve the time out – schedule it.

Here is what is best for me:
– Mornings are best
– I have to do it before my brain is bombarded by the day’s demands
– My creativity is dumbed down by email if l read it FIRST thing in the morning
– Being busy isn’t enough; we need to ask, what are we busy about?

It’s a self-defeating lie to think others can’t get along without us.

Jesus could have said, “My work will never be done, people need me. I must heal and speak and go and do!” But He didn’t. Jesus was committed to His purpose. He stayed focused and He maintained boundaries so that He kept His momentum towards the goal.

When trying to be creative consider using a pad and pen instead of electronics.
– Scribble WHATEVER drops into your mind
– Think outside the box
– Some of the simplest ideas to complex problems come from people who are not experts in our field

God can drop amazing solutions and ideas into your mind if you take the time to be quiet and allow Him the opportunity.

Have you ever noticed how we get the things done that are either the most important to us or just plain easy? Does our commitment to enforce the boundaries that support our goal reflect what we SAY is most important to us?

The dumbest thing we can do is to allow ourselves to forget what we are trying to accomplish.

If we want success, we HAVE to protect the boundaries that support our goals. We do this by guarding our productivity.

How can you commit to guarding your productivity this week?

If you feel that this blog was inspirational I would love for you to share it with others on your social media influence.

David Crank

Author David Crank

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