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Goals & Boundaries: Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing
When we set goals and then put boundaries in place to keep us focused on those goals, it increases our rate of success. Let me offer a few visuals to help you get this ingrained in your mind.

Bowling Alley Boundaries

Picture having the rubber bumpers lowered down into the gutters of the bowling alley lane so that our bowling ball stays in the lane. This guarantees success if our goal is to knock down pins! Why? The ball was focused with boundaries.

Highway Boundaries

Another boundary that helps us to reach our goals is the painted lane on our highways or the existence of the highways themselves! These “boundaries” keep our cars focused; otherwise most of us would never reach our goal of getting to work each day.

I have an idea! What about bumpers on highways? (We might need to get those installed when my daughter starts driving in 20 years.)

What Is YOUR Goal?

So if an individual’s goal is to own or run a business they might:
– use every opportunity to learn how a business runs by working jobs from the bottom to the top
– go to school and take business classes
– develop relationships with others who own businesses and learn from them
– join professional organizations associated with those businesses
– read social media about that type of business
– start a business in order to begin learning through trial and error

Getting sidetracked reduces forward momentum.

If a person doesn’t want success, that person might play video games, watch TV, or run around with friends instead of focusing on his or her goals. (Don’t mistake this as me being against hobbies. I’m not!)

Avoid Scope-Creep. What’s that? Read on!

In life, we are busy, we can be unfocused, or we can get sidetracked. Without boundaries, we can stretch ourselves thin and weaken our resolve to reach our goal. Our goals need to have scope. As long as we stay within scope, we keep forward momentum. The small things that keep getting added onto the scope are what begin to drag us to a standstill.

Beware of:
– the 18 hour days
– walking through the house and deciding to swap out refrigerators at 3am
– reorganizing the cabinet under the kitchen sink when we have 150 emails that need attention

Are we working harder or smarter?

In setting goals, we have to weed out the immediate, in order to stay focused on the important. There will always be something immediate pulling at us.

Keep the main thing, the main thing.

I’m just trying to help you see the importance of having boundaries associated with your goals in order to have real success in your life!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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