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When I was 16 and knew everything, I had a beautiful car. I washed and waxed it and cruised the busiest street. I had the T-tops off, would pull up to a red light and rev it a little and then would drive off singing, whatever we sang in 1985. I thought I was cool, so I tried to act cool, and that was pride speaking.

My Pride

I was riding in an elevator recently and got off on the wrong floor. The elevator was full of people, and I was too embarrassed to admit what I’d done. I walked around the corner and stood there until the doors closed, then waited a few more seconds to ensure they weren’t still there before I pushed the button to get back on. (Hey, don’t judge me, you know you’ve done it.)

Humility Makes You Likeable

As I waited for the elevator, a friend came through a nearby door and saw me standing there. I told him what I’d done, and he laughed at my situation but thought it was cool that I could admit it. On the elevator, I talked to an elderly woman who said she had gotten off on the wrong floor before, walked down the hall and tried her key in the door. She said, “All the floors look alike!” The point is that she related to my humility because we all make mistakes. Humility makes you likeable.

Be Encouraged!

God loves you; people love you, and they will love you more when you admit that you are wrong. If you’ve been a jerk at work, go in tomorrow and apologize to the people you work with. People respect humility. Go home and apologize to your wife. Allow humility to heal your marriage. Apologize to your kids. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). Have you ever tried to impress anyone? If you said no, you’re probably still trying right now. Be genuine. Be real. Be organic. Be someone God can use today. Admitting your pride is the first step!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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