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Be extremely cautious when you have a call upon your life. In your excitement, you can be in such a hurry to share it with others that they view your confidence as prideful and use it as ammunition against you.

This is what happened between Joseph and his brothers in Genesis 37. When you rush God in your effort to get to the next level it can be a huge turn off to others. This was part of the problem Joseph had, instead of the much needed “WE” mentality, he had “ME” mentality which caused him to be viewed as arrogant.

St. Paul had extreme success but he put his body under strict guidelines. In 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 he says, “Therefore I do not run… aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” This is likely why God used him to write two thirds of the New Testament, it took a long time and a lot beatings but he knew it was all worth it for Jesus.

Then there was Saul who was his own biggest fan and PR manager. He promoted himself “Don-King-style”, Baby! And THAT is a SURE way to lose God’s promotion – – by trying to promote yourself. The Bible says God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble and unless the Lord builds the house your labor is in vain.

There is nothing that turns me off more than going to a business event, or ministers’ function where one guy is working the crowd and passing out his cards to everyone he meets. While he’s talking to you, he is looking over your shoulder to see if someone more important than you might be coming into the room. This is 100% self-promotion and it is DEFINITELY a turnoff. Always be nice to the little guy because you never know at what point you might go to work for HIM.

Many people build the house they want at the next level but it doesn’t work out because God is not in it. Think about the account in the bible where the Lord says, “I was not in the wind, I was not in the fire, I was not in the earthquake, I was in a still small voice.”

The lower we go, the higher God can take us.

Be Blessed.

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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