King David didn’t become successful overnight.
Sure, he conquered a giant in his teens, but then he didn’t become the King of Israel until he was 30 years old (Samuel 5:4).
Remember, change doesn’t happen overnight.
God loved David dearly, but David had many issues with his flesh to overcome before he could sit in the seat of power promised to him.
In order to move to the next level, God may ask you to go through a season of “laying it all aside”. You can’t run the race and show up as a victor while carrying all that junk. You need to be able to run farther and faster with fewer encumbrances.
God prepared me for this ministry by telling me to move – LITERALLY.
I had to sell our 30-acre horse ranch that we had lovingly built into a valuable asset and move to a subdivision in the city. (Yes, I freaked!) He didn’t just lay it on my heart, he had a pastor speak into my life about moving and had another individual share a dream with me about shedding the excess and leaving it behind.
At that season in my life, I could not imagine moving away from what I loved so dearly and had worked so hard to build.
You may THINK what you have is so wonderful, but trust me, what God has for you at the next level will make your current situation look like a pile of RUBBISH!
People limit themselves by memories of past failures, emotional baggage and traumatic memories of their past.
The Bible says think on things that are in front of you, think about how you are made an overcomer in Christ Jesus. In Philippians 3:13 -14, Paul understood the importance of forgetting the past and looking forward to what God called him to do. There’s one thing that we have to do and that’s obey God and forget the things that are behind us and keep pressing forward.
Everything that God has for you is out in the future.
“Don’t be afraid to let go of what you currently have in order for God to put something new in your life.
When it’s said and done, Nicole and I look back and realize there were a lot of unnecessary things that we carried around that really slowed us down.
When you travel, if your bag is over 50 lbs, it will COST you an excess baggage fee. I can almost hear the Lord saying, “You can carry all that baggage into the future but it’s going to cost you!”