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Grace: Is Hot Water Causing You to Crack or Fall Apart?
When we drop a raw egg, it breaks, and makes a mess. After an egg has been in hot water and gets dropped, it cracks, but it stays together. God doesn’t create the chaos in our lives. He allows certain things to be filtered through his fingers of love because they strengthen and help us grow. And then sometimes we make dumb decisions that simply have consequences.

Think about gravity, it’s a law, if we step off of a cliff, we WILL fall down.

We serve an efficient God who uses all situations. He offers us the gift of His grace (undeserved favor), so that we cannot take the credit. We are blessed not because we are good, but because God is good.

Don’t give up just because your outside isn’t right.

Many of us go on diets, we stick to it for a few days and then we eat a whole box of girl scout cookies. We figure we’ve messed up, so we might as well continue and then we eat everything in sight and give up.

Just because we feel dirty, we might as well continue?

When we mess up, we tend to run FROM God and just go do more messed up things. On our way down, we need to run TO God. There is nothing we can do that He doesn’t know about, yet we try to hide things from Him.

After being clean, we don’t really want to get dirty anymore.

God’s grace is bigger than our mistakes! We have to stop focusing on our messes or our cracks because we’re justified!

Justified: Just-as-if-I-never

We’ve been justified. “Just-as-if-we-didn’t-do-it.” God’s grace is RADICAL, UNMERITED, and it’s FREE. When we focus on what we are NOT, we are NOT focusing on what HE IS!

Cracking is Better Than Falling Apart

Ephesians 2:5 says, “Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together.” Even with our shortcomings, God wants us to LIVE!

God allows the hot water, so that we ONLY crack, instead of completely falling apart when things go wrong.

I’d like to encourage you to look at yourself less and God more. Consider that some of the most valuable vases in the world have cracks all over them. Consider that light does not shine through a perfect vessel. Consider that God wants His Light to shine through your cracks today!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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