As a leader, you CANNOT pass the buck.
Many people that I’ve run across the past few years have a lot of GREAT IDEAS but they will not take the responsibility to MAKE IT A REALITY. They don’t like anything that feels like a “leap of faith”.
I have found that EVERYBODY WANTS TO DO SOMETHING GREAT but they think it’s just going to fall into their lap.
Greatness is not a passive thing, it doesn’t just fall in your lap. Through this thinking, people will tend to pass the buck or the blame onto someone or something that happened in the past.
EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE PAST MUST REMAIN IN THE PAST, other than the education that it brings into our present.
Take responsibility for your actions.
Start making RIGHT DECISIONS, even in the SMALL DECISIONS and they WILL grow into your biggest dreams.
“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” Matthew 25:21
Push forward, take that “leap of faith” and BE THE LEADER OF YOUR OWN LIFE that you know you should be today!
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