Just because we can’t see that cop over the hill doesn’t mean we won’t be getting ticket when he catches us speeding. Just because we keep getting away with something doesn’t mean we won’t get caught. Just because we can’t “see” God doesn’t mean he’s not watching.
It can be so easy to just keep thinking we will keep “getting away” with that thing that God is pressing for us to change. This is something different for each of us.
For some reason we lie to ourselves and pretend we won’t have to pay the consequences.
If anything I’d say, whatever it is in our life that God is unhappy with, he is tweaking our heart, and making us uncomfortable on the inside about it. Maybe we even are feeling convicted or guilty about it. Yet we continue!
In the Garden of Eden, God said if they ate of a specific tree they would die. They didn’t physically die, but that choice killed them spiritually. It separated them from their connection to God and that means no peace, no joy, and an empty, superficial life.
1. Be honest with yourself and admit that even though it seemed fun, it was short-lived
2. Admit that it only got you so far and fell short of what you expected
3. Realize that God forgives you when you repent.
Jesus is liberating you and only the enemy (inner-me) can keep you locked up and shackled in the past.
You can’t change the past but you are guaranteed that God has forgiven you and now you need to FORGIVE YOURSELF!
Admit it, Quit it, and Forget it!
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