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We can read the Bible, we can listen to the word, but we also need to change. We need to change how we think, how we speak and how we eat and drink. We need to get rest, and we need to exercise. We need balance, to do our part, and to stand firm in our faith. We need to live like no other today so that we can live like no other when we are 80.

And do not be conformed to this world… (Romans 12:2).

We Need To Receive Our Healing

When someone hands us a new outfit, we receive it by reaching out and taking it. Then we CHANGE our clothes and put the new outfit on. We don’t keep wearing old, dirty clothes (old doubting mindsets) while carrying around a new outfit.

Our Responsibility

The devil doesn’t steal our stuff when we embrace our power. The C word doesn’t compare to the J word.
– The enemy told my wife she wouldn’t have kids after cancer, and now she does.
– He told Dodie Osteen she was going to die about 50 years ago. She’s 80 and making the devil eat it.

God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11); he is a respecter of faith.

Hearing Equals Healing

You can’t pay me to watch a movie where someone dies of a tragic disease. I don’t allow that type of programming to go into my mind. It goes against my faith and doesn’t agree with God.

With long life, I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. (Psalm 91:16).

Be Encouraged

Lord, we aren’t saying what everyone else says. We expect to grow smarter as we get older because it only makes sense that the longer we are on earth, the smarter we become. We satisfy our mouth with good things – good food in and good words out. For our faith comes by hearing what we say about our life. So we’re saying: Lord satisfy us with long life. Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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