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Our pride is like this little nagging voice inside pretending that it’s only concern is to make us look good. Pride is never in our best interest. I was sitting in church listening to a member speak when he said something I had not heard before. I turned around and told the two people behind me, “I didn’t know that!” And then my pride kicked in.

Pride Renders Us Ineffective

My pride was asked me why I was telling someone that I didn’t know something. For the next two minutes, my pride chastised me saying, “What do they think of you now? They probably think he knows more than you and you’re the Senior Pastor.” Our pride can be relentless, and it gets us so wrapped up in ourselves that we can’t possibly help anyone else.

Pride cometh before shame, but with the lowly is wisdom. Proverbs 11:2

We Need To Check Our Mouth For Pride

Do you talk about how great you are? Do you have to one-up the guy who just told a story? Pride is always focused on us and never on anyone else. If we want people to like us, then we need to take an interest in them, celebrate them and be impressed. Trying to impress people closes doors while being impressed opens them.

Be Encouraged!

Lord, remind us daily that you created us exactly the way we are. If we try to inflate ourselves, we are messing with your design. Don’t think more highly of yourself than you should or above your real value, make sure you take a sane estimation of your abilities (Romans 12:3). The deflated balloon can be stretched, is flexible and can fit into most situations whereas an inflated balloon is easily popped. It is fragile and breaks easily. Stay humble. If you want to enjoy your life, just chill and trust God.

David Crank

Author David Crank

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