I love it when you see a little skinny woman that doesn’t look pregnant at all – yet she says I’m expecting!
She knows, without a doubt, even though there no visible evidence to confirm it, that she has the manifestation of a child coming. She is EXPECTANT!!!
Are YOU expecting today?
Start expecting God to SUDDENLY bring blessing and breakthrough in every area of your life.
Decree and declare the following out of your mouth:
– The worst is over and the best is yet to come
– Today your favor is upon my life working behind the scenes to change things on my behalf
– I make more money by accident than others do on purpose
– Though my natural intellect and education is limited, you have put your mind and wisdom on the inside of me
After just a week of saying these types of declarations over your life you will begin to see the negative baggage fall off.
A pregnant woman has something on the inside of her that will begin to show on the outside. All of a sudden, months later, the baby is delivered and everyone can tangibly see the manifestation of her expectancy. This is her “SUDDEN breakthrough”.
These things are not sudden! What people forget to acknowledge is that months of nurturing occurs on the inside before the manifestation shows which brings joy on the outside!!!
Are you expecting today? If not YOU SHOULD BE!
Get expectant about what God is doing in YOUR life today!!!
Please let us know if and how this message may have spoken to you today. It will encourage us and others who read it. I call you blessed!