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On Monday, a construction worker, with metal lunchbox in hand, complains about how the peanut butter and jelly sandwich he is eating for lunch is not what he wants. His coworkers ignore his complaint. Tuesday at lunch he complains even louder than the day before about how much he hates peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Some of the guys make snide remarks but mostly overlook the comment and keep quiet. Come Friday, he sits down to eat his peanut butter and jelly sandwich and he begins to gripe about how he HATES having to eat this for lunch every day!

One of the construction workers yells out “WHY DON’T YOU JUST GET YOUR WIFE TO MAKE YOU A DIFFERENT KIND OF SANDWICH!!!???”

The man looks up with a shocked look on his face and says “My wife??? I don’t have a wife. I made this MYSELF!!!”

We should NEVER complain about what we permit in our life. We make choices that give permission for circumstances or conditions to exist in our day-to-day life.

In the bible, there are a few examples:

– a man lay by a healing pool for 30+ years waiting to be healed, full of excuses regarding why he couldn’t pull himself the last few feet to get INTO the pool

– King David didn’t discipline his children, he was too lenient with them and due to that there was much strife in his household and family

Are you making (or NOT making) daily choices in your life that are creating an atmosphere of dissatisfaction?

What is the ‘peanut butter and jelly sandwich’ in your life that you are dissatisfied with?

David Crank

Author David Crank

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