Do you struggle to get focused and STAY FOCUSED in order to come up with creative ways to deal with the tasks in front of you? The necessities of life often STEAL MY CREATIVE ENERGY.
Right before I sit down to be creative, A “TO DO” LIST WILL POP INTO MY HEAD.
My brain slows down, my momentum is cut in half, and my mental distractions are insane!
It’s as if I veered out of the fast lane and I’m listening to my tires make that annoying sound on the shoulder. Talk about distracting and slow!
At this point, I can’t remember ANY of the terrific ideas that were just rolling around in my head. As an example, here are a few of the THINGS that were ON MY MIND RIGHT BEFORE I WROTE THIS BLOG:
· Eggs
· Milk
· Water
· Straws
· Cheese
· Dishwasher packs
There is a direct correlation between digital distractions (email, texts and phone messages) or notifications I receive versus how creative and productive I am.
The smartphone is the greatest device in the world, but while WE THINK staying connected speeds us up, it actually slows me down.
When I’m trying to be creative, I don’t have the WILLPOWER TO SWITCH TO “AIRPLANE MODE”.
Yet when I am on a commercial airline with no one to distract me, and my phone is off, then I suddenly become a CREATIVE GURU WITH JUST PEN AND PAPER! I begin to think about what needs follow-up, and my path becomes crystal-clear.
What are you trying to focus on today?
With the many digital distractions that we have, WHAT ARE YOUR CHALLENGES?
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