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The more precise we can be in our hearing from God the more success we will have.

Good Intentions, Wrong Direction.

Passion can, at times, lead you at high rate of speed down the wrong road. If I were to leave my home today in St. Louis and I wanted to go to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and I got on Interstate 44 going east, I could have all the passion and desire in the world but I’m heading in the wrong direction. Until I turn the car around and head west, all of my effort will be futile and huge waste of my time.

Many times people have their spiritual car pointed in the wrong direction, they choose that heading with good intentions, a great deal of belief and even faith, but they never reach their full potential because they haven’t listened to God on the exact whereabouts of their miracle.

Are you sure it was God?

Here’s what it looks like in the church world. The pastor has an incredible amount of passion and is so excited about the exponential growth of the organization that he is willing to do whatever he has to do even if it means flying blindly towards what he THINKS is the goal. This is a very dangerous scenario.

When you’re not sure it’s God don’t tell people it’s God, just tell them it’s “seems” like or I had a good idea.

We as leaders tend to be insecure, thinking that the only way our words will have validity or be weighty is for us to say “God said!” The reason this is a momentum breaker is because if it’s not God, it won’t work out.

Whether you are a corporate leader, husband, wife, or church leader be sure ‘God said’ before you say, “God said.”

I have found that people will trust you when you just tell them honestly that you want to head in a certain direction because it seems like God to you, or you say you have a good idea and based on your past track record people just trust you. Then there is always that moment when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God said this to you and THEN you can broadcast with all confidence that this is the direction we’re going to go, ‘thus saith the Lord.’

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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