I ride motorcycles. It has always been dangerous but NOW it is REALLY dangerous because people text and drive. I’m always near the person who is looking down and swerving over into my lane. Staying in your lane is the name of the game, that’s why there are lines painted on the road to define your lane.
Saul sacrificed to God as if he were a priest. I’ve watched this happen a time or two. People will have an intense passion for God which they confuse for full-time ministry. I hate to use the words “full-time ministry” because we are ALL called to ministry full-time, to give our lives in total sacrifice to God.
Let me try to be more clear about this. Many people are called in the business world to gather resources and to collect money to establish God’s kingdom. The Bible says, in Deuteronomy 8:18 that God has given us the power to get wealth to establish the Covenant.
I have watched some business people who are such great Christians, whose love for God is much stronger than the average Christian, and who have a love for his word that is bizarre! Yet they confuse this desire for God as a desire to be in full-time ministry. This is what I mean about staying in your own lane. If you are a business person and this has touched your heart, then this revelation is for YOU. You are what a REAL Christian looks like, one so dedicated to God that it would make a lukewarm pastor or preacher look hideous.
STAY PASSIONATE about what God has called you to do
I’m not saying that you’re not called the full-time ministry, but I’m saying that it’s okay and MORE EFFECTIVE for you to stay in your lane. I have watched more than one person in my lifetime have a very successful business, make loads of money, and fail in ministry. It’s not God’s perfect will for every person to become a full-time pastor.
When you move outside of your lane, you are at risk of dangerously colliding with another vehicle which is in their defined lane.
I disagree with the statement that you can be whatever you want to be! In Psalms 100:3 it says, “Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.”
The best you can be is who you are called to be. Your life is not your own, you have been bought with a price.
Don’t compare with others, listen to the dreams God has placed within you, he has a purpose for YOU that is incomparable to anyone else.