If we want to change AND sustain it, the process requires a heightened awareness and responsibility on our part.
I’m a pilot and wind is a major factor when I fly from one location to the other. It’s quite surprising how enjoyable a tailwind becomes when you’re up in the air, your air speed is screaming and you’re cruising to your destination in record time. A few hours later you turn around to head back to your home airport. This time there’s a headwind, which means you’re flying directly into the wind, facing so much resistance, that now you’re crawling and it’s taking forever!!!
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
While Jesus is the one constant, in everyday life, everything else is constantly changing. There are times when we make incredible “progress” and there are other times when it seems SO SLOW.
What I’m about to say sounds simple, but it is definitely a key to happiness and enjoying life:
When you have a tailwind enjoy it!
And when you have a headwind don’t gripe about it, that just makes the trip seem longer!
Focus on the positive and know you’re still making sustained progress.
If you’re moving forward, you’re doing more than those who are standing still, so celebrate and embrace every bit of progress you make no matter how small!