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It can be so easy to listen to that voice inside that tries to tell us that everyone else is reaching their dreams while ours seem out of reach. Don’t believe the media that reports someone as an overnight success. That is untrue. If you ask the person they are talking about, that person will probably describe it as a very long night. The people who don’t make it simply don’t stick with it long enough.

Behind The Scenes

I supported my Dad as his worship leader and manual laborer for decades. As long as my Dad was the pastor, I struggled to see how I could also become a pastor. Joel Osteen was his Dad’s cameraman, and he didn’t see himself on stage as he is today. If you can’t picture reaching your dream, remember, God is no respecter of persons. What he does for others he’ll do for you. He will bring your dream to pass.

It Takes A Long Time To Become A Success

You may be unsure that God is going to use you, and you may think the dream isn’t going to happen. People who are successful experience controversies, setbacks, and problems. Other people will throw mud in their dream blender. That mud swirls around in their mind and will hold them back instead of propelling them forward. The ones who reach their dream are the ones who don’t give up.

Most People Give Up Before They Breakthrough

Lord, I decree and declare that we are sticking with the plan until the breakthrough. I am talking about education, finances, weight loss, business plans, relationships, and beginning new habits of walking with you. We are committed to the path. We are expectant for you to move in our life, and we are in it for the long haul. We don’t feel qualified or like we deserve it but we know you have a plan, we agree with you, and we know you will work all things for our good (Romans 8:28). Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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