Superman hid behind his Clark Kent persona because he didn’t think people could handle it. They weren’t ready for super powers and they would not have treated him like just another guy. He just wanted to be normal. We all live like Clark Kent. Trying to be normal, trying to fit in, yet we are ineffective that way. We have to stay true to who God made us to be. God wants to put His super on our natural and for us to stand out as different from everyone around us.
As A Man Thinks In His Heart, So Is He. (Proverbs 23:7)
This kid, known as the prodigal son in the bible (Luke 15:11-32), had a rich Dad with a tremendous inheritance, but the son blew it all. He reached his lowest point and realized his Dad’s servants lived better than he did. He realized that returning home to serve his Dad would be a better life than the one he was living. He began to realize who he was, so he returned home ready to humble himself.
Anyone Worth Anything Has Been At The Bottom Before Going To The Top
Everyone has a dream planted inside of them. Before a kernel of wheat can grow and produce, it must fall to the ground and die (John 12:24). The prodigal son went to the pigpen. Daniel went to the lion’s den before the throne of power. Joseph went to the pit before the palace. David had spears thrown at him and was chased into the wilderness by King Saul before he ever became king.
Before Anything Physically Changes, The Freedom Starts With The Decision
Perception is 9/10 of the law. Perspective is the other 1/10th. When we start thinking the right way our perceptions change. This kid DECIDED that he was going back to his father’s house. Before anything actually changed, as soon as he made that decision, he felt fuller. He was coming out head first. He decided I’m not going to be messed up anymore. I’m not called to live with the hogs, I’m going home! What the devil does to destroy us, God will use to put us ahead.
We Have To Get Back To Our Roots – The Root Of Who We Are In Christ
I’m begging you today to get back to the root of who you are. God created something phenomenal in you. I pray that everyone reading this today, and it is not by accident, is here to change a life with a life.
I pray that the Lord will help you establish who you are and what you are and have in Christ. Amen!