If we want to have victory over our problems, then we must have a Believers’ Backbone. We can’t just sit around, wishing and waiting for something good to happen.
It’s backbone, not wishbone that moves things forward.
We need to declare the victory that Jesus possessed for us 2000 years ago on the cross of Calvary. So many times, Christians will sit around being jealous and resentful. This only adds to the victim mentality which never catapulted anyone into the type of mindset needed for a victory.
Today, I encourage you to change your attitude towards your problem. How?
First, you stop talking about the problem to your relatives, friends, coworkers, and most of all stop focusing all of your THINKING on it.
Second, you begin to prophesy and promote victory over your life by starting to SAY OUT LOUD what GOD says about YOU. Don’t repeat what others have said about you, what you think people say, what your circumstances reflect or even how you FEEL – – say what God says!
Say this out loud with me:
- I have the MIND of Christ
- God’s FAVOR is upon my life
- 2013 is going to be a FANTASTIC year
Go around speaking these words of victory over your life today and not only will you have victory over your problem, you will have renewed perspective on your life!
Please let me know if and how this message may have spoken to you today. It will encourage myself and others who read it. I call you blessed!