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Pastor David Crank - Wealth, Success And Balance - It's Possible!
MYTH: An individual cannot be successful or wealthy AND be balanced.

Do YOU believe that?

If you find that you are in the “I’m too busy” boat with so many other people, and your job is part of the problem, I’d like for you to consider that you could be motivated by a lie that you subconsciously believe.

God wants you to have money; he doesn’t want money to have you.

Remember the Lord your God, for it is He Who gives you power to get wealth that He may establish His covenant… (Deuteronomy 8:18)

You might consider looking at your priorities. We all have them. The best evidence for where our priorities lie is in where we put our time and money. I don’t know what you do with yours, but you do, and God does. We tend to make time for the things that are the most important to us.

We do what we want to do.
We don’t do what we don’t want to do.
Our lives REVEAL our priorities.

If we aren’t doing it, then it must not rate high on the list. So the next time you say out loud that something is important to you, consider whether or not your life shows evidence of what you say.

I’d like to encourage you today to CREATIVELY find ways to MAKE TIME FOR THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE, such as God, your spouse, your kids, and your health.

Money comes and goes, hold onto the things that last!

If you feel that this blog was inspirational I would love for you to share it with others on your social media influence.

David Crank

Author David Crank

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