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Pastor David Crank - What Are You Waiting For!
When the Lord asked me to build the second church campus which was an additional 150,000 square feet, I was freaking out because the economy was really jacked. The media was screaming that we were in a recession. Some of my friends across the country, including pastors, were going bankrupt because the economy was so bad.

Then the Lord showed me Ecclesiastes 11:4 which says, “He who observes the wind and waits for all conditions to be favorable will not sow and he who regards the clouds, will not reap.”

If you give in to the desire to wait for a convenient season, you may never come into your season.

I see some people tend to hold back, saying:
– I’m not going to sow…yet
– I’m not going to dream until the kids get out of school
– I’m not going to dream until I graduate from college
– I’m not going to dream until I have some money in the bank

The type of thinking above relieves people of their responsibility. They sit and wait until it’s comfortable and not as scary.

God expects you to produce fruit while using your gifts and talents for him. Be responsible with what he has entrusted you to whether the season is favorable or not.

It’s our responsibility to get up and say, “I’m not going to observe the wind or the clouds, I’m going to sow and reap and USE MY LIFE TO CHANGE A LIFE!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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