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What If It Doesn’t Happen? What If It DOES?
Whatever country we come from, whatever our skin color, language, foods, or cultural traditions, we all want security, food, shelter, love, and purpose. In purpose, comes a desire to grow, to enlarge our influence and to have an effect on the world around us. God put that in us!

DREAM BIG! Expand, Grow, and Fear NOT!

In Isaiah 54:2, the bible says, “Enlarge the place of your tent and let your curtains and your habitations be stretched out; spare not; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes, for you will spread abroad on the right and the left; and your offspring shall possess the nations and the desolate cities. Fear not.

God doesn’t limit you, YOU do. Push PAST the limitations!

Picture me standing between two fences. I’m basically stuck between two places. It’s uncomfortable. It’s tight. I can’t go anywhere from here, there’s nowhere for me to expand to because of the limitations that I have placed on either side of me. God wants us to push past the tight spaces.

Look back at that verse, it says, “FEAR NOT for you shall not be ashamed.” I love that!

What if it doesn’t happen?

Is the enemy telling you, “Well if you dream and allow your imagination to run wild, and you pray audacious prayers. What if it doesn’t happen?”

What if it DOES happen?

Here’s what you need to say back to him, “What if it DOES happen.” Because we have God’s Word on it that He wants to lengthen our cords.

If you read further in that verse, it speaks of a barren woman, who could never have kids and God telling her, “No, I want you to really think big!”

Dream it. Then break out of your limitations.

Allow yourself to dream big, huge dreams…
Brood over them…
Hover over them…
But don’t stay in that little place!

God has something bigger for you!

The Message translation says, “Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive your pegs deep. You’re going to need a lot of elbow room.”

I’d like to encourage you today, to THINK BIG, SPREAD OUT and STAKE YOUR CLAIM, really LENGTHEN YOUR CORDS! And realize that small space, that comfort zone is no longer going to work – Get some ELBOW ROOM!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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