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What if You Had One Million Dollars But Didn't Know It?
Imagine holding $1 million dollars in currency from another country, but because we don’t realize what it is worth, it has no value to us and we don’t benefit from it. That’s God’s GRACE. There are times when I think the reason we don’t embrace it is because it’s like a foreign language to us and we DON’T REALLY REALIZE what we have available to us.

Grace is God’s undeserved favor towards us.

Undeserved means that you CAN’T EARN IT!

We live in a SOCIETY that hits us from all angles with messages of how much we have to earn, such as:

– a degree
– money
– approval
– success (as society defines it)
– Our way to heaven…

Society says we have to be good enough. Grace is something that paves the way in spite of our shortcomings. It is something that none of us deserves.

God stands in the gap.

We think there is no way that we can reach our goals unless we EARN something that society has outlined for us. But God stands in the gap between our weaknesses and His plan. Nothing can stop God; not our inadequacies, shortcomings, inabilities, etc.

It’s not a gift until you accept and embrace it.

Galatians 2:21, it says, “Therefore, I do not treat God’s glorious gift as something of minor importance and defeat its very purpose; I do not invalidate or nullify God’s grace (unmerited favor) as justification (acquittal from guilt) on my life.

We need to do more. NO!

When we live our life thinking we have to earn, earn, earn, or we are worthless otherwise, then we invalidate the gift of what Jesus did for us. We’re saying through our thinking that what God did isn’t enough, and we need to do MORE. Wrong.

It’s not based on YOUR performance, but HIS on your behalf.

When we are told we don’t ACT like a Christian, tell them, “I’m not acting, I AM one. It’s NOT based on my performance, but based on Jesus’ performance on my behalf. He earned it for me.

Focus less on you and more on Him.

I’d like to encourage you to stop condemning yourself and climbing up on the cross because Jesus already did that for you. No more sacrifice is required, he did it. Embrace the grace and let God love you where you are today. Stop stressing about your performance and start relaxing in what God has done for you. Let Him love you today – in His grace. The rest will come.

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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