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A while back, we hired a contractor to do some work on our condo. (That’s our home when we preach in Florida.) I always warn people to BEWARE! A lot of the time, a contractor is just a CON with a tractor. 🙂

Well, this guy started our project in December and still hadn’t finished by March. Nicole got upset about it…then I did, too!

I decided to take control of the job site. I got on Craigslist and hired a guy named Frank, who solved all our problems.

Meanwhile, the contractor got aggravated. He told me he was DONE! He was coming up to pick up his check.

I said, “I think, I’m going to pay you at the SAME SPEED that you worked!” (It’s funny, I can act saved on Sunday… but by Friday it’s wearing a little THIN!)

The Lord said to me, “You’re NOT gonna do that.”

“I’m not?!”

A lot of times, we KNOW the right thing to do, but like little children, we try to rebel against it. I had to demote myself from being the “boss of me” to doing what God called me to do.

Yes, I did end up cutting the check on time. After all, He’s really the BOSS!

Have a great day! I call you BLESSED!


David Crank

Author David Crank

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