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The greatest enemy we have is our soul and the most power we have is not our money, or what we know, but the thing we have going on between our ears. If we go to school our whole life and sit at a desk and allow them to tell us how to think, then we’ll be like everyone else.

You. Are. Not. Like. Everyone. Else.

When we are like everyone else we have the same divorce rates, we have the same financial problems, and we use the same excuses. We are successful, and we are created in the image of God. We have a unique thumbprint to leave a unique imprint.

Assembly Line Conditioning

In America, kids go to school, and they learn to sit there all day long. They are told what to do, where to go, when, and how to think. They are conditioned so that someday they can repeat the same actions in a factory job or an office full of cubicles, but you don’t think like that.

You’re Not Normal

The system is set up for normal people. YOU’RE NOT NORMAL because you’re reading this blog and are trying to better yourself and train your brain. You’re moving out of not enough and into more than enough thinking.

Be Encouraged!

Lord, we reject the world system and embrace your Kingdom system. We agree with you. We value ourselves as much as you do. We are conditioning our brains and bettering ourselves. We submit to you, Lord and we resist the (lies of the) devil, and he flees from us (James 4:7). We trust you, acknowledge you, and we know you will direct our path (Proverbs 3:5-6). We’re not putting up with internal lies because we read your truth daily. Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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