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God so loved the world (that’s commitment) that he gave his only begotten son (another commitment) that whoever would believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). So many of us are wishy washy and don’t stick with anything. God has an enduring passion for us and is so committed he willingly gave his life.

Be Committed

Paul said, in Romans 12:11, that we need to be fervent in serving the Lord. In other words, we need to be passionate about what we do. I LOVE what I do. Being your pastor is the most awesome thing. I am so committed to living a long life of serving you that I eat wheat grass and green smoothies. I do everything I can to stay recharged and rejuvenated to live the long life God offers us (Psalm 91:16).

Be Successful

To be successful, we have to be committed and passionate. If we are not passionate about our job, marriage, or kids, we will not be successful at it, and it will drain the life out of us. Some people count down the days to retirement. I will never retire. There are ups and downs. We have to be committed to it ALL. The commitment outlasts the pain, and the passion rejuvenates the commitment.

Be Enduring

The following things do not happen overnight so they will not be reconciled overnight. The people who have been unsuccessful did not stick with it long enough.

  • Falling in love
  • Falling out of love
  • Gaining weight
  • Losing weight
  • Getting in debt
  • Getting out of debt

Be Encouraged

Love comes from God and true love administered properly sustains two people through old age. We should apply that same type of passion and commitment to God, to his house, and to all areas of our life. Get Committed. Stay committed. Even when it doesn’t feel good. Stick with it long enough and it will pay off. I call you blessed! Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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