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He didn’t care what people thought of him, or where he ranked in popular opinion, and he did not compare himself with others. Paul was pretty clear in 1 Corinthians 4:3 that the only authority and opinion he was concerned about was God.

Few People Are Happy With Themselves

So what if people don’t like you because you’re too short, too fat, too old, too tan, or too white. NO ONE IS HAPPY WITH WHOM THEY ARE and they are all trying to be like each other when all we need is to be like JESUS.

Choose To Receive The Message That Builds You Up

One night as I walked out on stage, the first thing I heard in my ear was my daughter saying, “Oh Dad, that shirt is too tight. Make sure you suck it in.” What I didn’t know was that Nicole was watching online, and she was texting me, “Oh baby, you look GOOD in that shirt. You make sure you bring yourself home in THAT tonight!”

Now if only I could have seen THAT!

Agree With God. You. Are. Awesome.

Somebody is NOT going to like you, and some people are going to love you. But FOR SURE you need to agree with God when he says:

– You are a chosen generation.
– You are a royal priesthood.
– You are a peculiar people.
– You have a unique thumbprint to change the world.

If you don’t do it, who in the world is going to do it? Stop the Self War!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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