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The battle in our mind. The greatest fight of faith is the fight we fight to keep from fighting in our mind. If we’re starting an organization, if we just got married, if we’re battling cancer, the biggest problem we’ve got is not coming from the another source. It’s on the inside of us and between our ears.

Choose The Message You Listen To

One recording in our head says we’re going to die; another says we’re not going to make it because the economy is bad. We have to make up our mind that we’re not going to focus on the bad things that have happened TO us, but we’re going to focus on what is happening INSIDE OF US. Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).

Be The Difference

Are you going to be a Rosa Parks saying you’re not going to the back of the bus? Or the next Steve Jobs? I’m telling you there is no difference between you and them. They weren’t smarter; they didn’t have four legs. They didn’t have 36 hours in a day. No. They all had the same 365 days a year, they just had laser focus and were determined to do what God called them to do. They were pressing forward no matter what.

Be Encouraged

Get determined. Getting started has no age limit or expiration date. Making a difference only requires one person and only requires making one new, different decision today. Don’t allow your inner battle to hold you back. Greater is he that is in YOU than he that is in the world. I call you blessed. Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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