Every time God is getting ready to position you for the next level all hell will break loose around you – – THIS IS A FACT.
Over the years, I have learned to expect some trouble right before the triumph.
One of the ways that I know that God is working is when the enemy comes in and legitimizes the fact that what God is doing for me is FOR REAL. If it weren’t God and it weren’t a threat to the enemy’s agenda, the enemy wouldn’t bother!
When setbacks and obstacles come into your life as a young believer, often times you think that you must be doing something wrong when the enemy attacks, yet nothing could be further from the truth!
“The enemy comes to steal kill and destroy…” John 10:10
The enemy tries to destroy the dream, the dream that YOU KNOW could become a reality, except for a few troubles, trials, and setbacks.
REMEMBER: If God is for you who can be against you.
REMEMBER: No weapon formed against you will prosper. It did not say that a weapon would not be formed it simply said it WILL NOT PROSPER.
I want to encourage you today that whatever you’re going through, especially if it feels like hell, don’t stop, KEEP GOING, you WILL go through!
The matrix of your miracle is the problem that will be your promotion.
Please let me know if and how this message may have spoken to you today. It will encourage myself and others who read it. I call you blessed!