Some relationships are shallow; some people are shallow. It’s about the heart. My wife doesn’t look like she did when I first met her, but I also can’t see as well as I did when I first met her. But if I were only focused on how she looks then I would be shallow. There are many people out there who have no depth. They come to church sometimes but the seed of the word never really takes root.
The Seed That Fell By The Wayside. (Mark 4:4)
The devil doesn’t want the seed of the word to take root and reach a harvest. If you think I’m just a preacher who is trying to get you excited – well, I AM! You SHOULD be excited about your faith. You’re on the brink of a breakthrough and will see the promised land if you can take a lickin’ and keep on stickin’.
Depth Is Consistent
Think about the oak tree and its roots that are established enabling it to share its seed and bear fruit. Stop flipping jobs. Stop flipping men. No situation is perfect, no person is perfect, but we have to take the good with the bad.
The Key To Not Being Surprised
Lord, after dealing with a world that is trying to program us with pornography, sex, drugs and superficiality, we look forward to our time with you so that we can enjoy your goodness. We will stop thinking, “If it can go wrong it will go wrong.” We know that bad things happen’ but we have a God that works them out for our good (Romans 8:28). In Jesus name, Amen!