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Remember as a kid we used to say, “You’re not the boss of me.” God is the boss. When we don’t demote ourselves, we continue reeling in our problems instead of casting them away. We think we God needs our help with the solution. You KNOW he’s busy, it’s an election year. 😉

When we humble ourselves, we’re saying, “God, I know you’re bigger than I am, and I know that you’re smarter than I am.”

Apparently I’m Not The Boss Of Me

Nicole and I had some construction work done on our home recently and had a negative experience. We discovered that the contractor had done this to other people, so because I’m the boss of me, I decided I wanted to teach him a lesson. I told him I would pay him at the same rate that he did the job. I was going to give him a check for 25% of the amount we owed for the next four months. God told me on the inside, “You’re NOT going to do that.” And God could say that because apparently I’m NOT the boss of me.

The Reality Check

God explained to me that if I stayed on this path, I was going to spend the next four months stewing over how I was teaching this guy a lesson. Instead of the guy paying the price, in reality, I was going to pay the price by losing my peace. God told me to pay him the full amount and let it go.
Well, I hadn’t quite decided I was going to obey God, so when I got home, I asked Nicole what she thought we should do. You see how messed up that is? God had just told me what to do, and yet, I was asking for advice to justify doing what I wanted to do. We have to figure these things out and obey God faster!

Be Encouraged

You don’t have to wonder what’s going on with me behind the scenes because I’ll tell you all of my junk. I’m jacked up and hearing that should make you feel better about your junk. If you weren’t jacked up too, you wouldn’t have picked this blog to read!
You ought to feel pretty good about yourself that I’m a preacher, and you’re probably not half as messed up as me! I’d like to encourage you today that if God can use me, he can use you. Keep talking to him, keep listening and obey faster. I call you blessed!
Obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22).

David Crank

Author David Crank

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