Our impulses drain us. They drain us of our integrity; they drain our bank accounts, and leave us spent. The prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) didn’t know who he was. Instead of following his instincts. His father was wealthy, and as the son of a wealthy man he had a call and a purpose. Yet he didn’t embrace his identity and he followed his impulses. He cashed in his inheritance; he partied, blew all of his money, and ended up living in a pig pen. At that point, even his Dad’s servants had a better life. When we follow our urges, we lose our identity.
How To Stop Living By Impulse:
1. Replace any habit that we want to change with a more positive one.
2. Stick with it long enough to produce dividends.
3. Stop making impulsive moves.
4. Stop saying things we shouldn’t say such as, “I’m never going to get through this.” Or “I’m going to speak my mind!” This burns bridges and depletes us, it doesn’t add to us.
5. Stop running around with someone other than your spouse. When you forget who you are, you destroy your marriage.
Our dream will become a reality; it might take some time in the pig pen at a low income. Remember when the next impulsive thing comes along, if it’s God today, it’s God tomorrow!