Early on when I was learning to fly, I was flying and went through a cloud bank. It freaked me out. I had no instrument training in order to be able to trust my instruments. I depended on my eyes. After I landed, about an hour later, the sun came…
Early on when I was learning to fly, I was flying and went through a cloud bank. It freaked me out. I had no instrument training in order to be able to trust my instruments. I depended on my eyes. After I landed, about an hour later, the sun came…
The scientific community has determined that when we laugh it releases endorphins that make us feel better. When we think about negative things (the news), it affects us physically and makes us unhappy. That’s why the Bible says to think on these things, whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely,…
We watch team sports, marriages, and group activities that require cooperation. They either succeed because they are united or fail because they are divided. Unity provides strength. Two people are better than one. They can help each other succeed, to get up from a fall, to keep warm, or to…
When we go out in public, we are nice to strangers and people at work. We give our best all day, and then we return home to give our families what’s leftover. King David said in Psalms that a stranger couldn’t hurt him, but another believer could. We are most…
Have you ever laid in bed and worried all night about important things? It happens to me, and it can steal my peace. It’s funny how when the sun comes up those things don’t seem to be nearly as important. This is a tactic of the enemy (and our inner-me)…
In the Little Rascals movie, they had a scene where the two little boys were fishing on the dock of a lake. They each hooked a “fish” at the same moment. One tugs and the other is pulled towards the water. The other tugs and pulls the other boy towards…
Think about what you think about. Do you consider many things? Do you ever think, “Hey that might be a possibility!” In the bible, there is a story where each individual is given something to work with and they are expected to do something with it. The individual who didn’t…
Owning an easel doesn’t make you Picasso, just like standing in a garage doesn’t make you a car. “You can be whatever you want to be as long as you try hard enough.” That statement couldn’t be further from the truth. We all have God-given gifts and abilities. You cannot…
If we are not careful, we can mess up our future by choosing instant gratification, over long term results. We can get sidetracked by something we want now, and that can keep us here, which keeps us from moving over there. Our destiny is tied to someone somewhere that we…
Once we have lived one minute, we have a history. In that history, we have had interactions with others. We are influenced by those closest to us. We look at their patterns and project the same upon ourselves due to our close proximity to them. It’s a trap and a…
Have you ever put something off until tomorrow that you should have done today? Instead of saying this is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it; people put things off until tomorrow. I want to help you change the way you think….
The Monday mindset is where people have a negative attitude toward Monday while Friday is so beloved that it has an acronym, TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday). We need to do that with Monday because how we choose to view this day makes all the difference. Think Positive To Get…