If you rent a car, you keep it a few days, and then you have to return it. If you go back to the car rental place and tell them that you want to GIVE them the car as a gift of appreciation. They will laugh at you. You Can’t…
If you rent a car, you keep it a few days, and then you have to return it. If you go back to the car rental place and tell them that you want to GIVE them the car as a gift of appreciation. They will laugh at you. You Can’t…
We can see the blessing, the business the breakthrough, but we can’t quite get there. We need to go around the corner and realize there is a window of opportunity. There’s not a lack of money or a lack of vision in the world. There is a lack of people…
My Dad had the credit chat with me when I was 15. He had me get a secured credit card where I had to put $300 on the card, and then I couldn’t go over that limit. I bought and purchased items, then immediately wrote checks to pay the card….
Driven is when we’re at work thinking we need to be home, and when we’re at home thinking we need to be at work. So we’re never really anywhere. We need to be motivated but not driven. If we’re driven, we’re saying things like, “Those kids drive me crazy.” Well,…
I mentioned a situation in yesterday’s blog about a contractor where I was trying to play God, so God taught me a lesson in humility. But there is more; I didn’t share everything in that blog. I thought about that situation for another five hours that day. I thought I…
Remember as a kid we used to say, “You’re not the boss of me.” God is the boss. When we don’t demote ourselves, we continue reeling in our problems instead of casting them away. We think we God needs our help with the solution. You KNOW he’s busy, it’s an…
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ; (2 Corinthians 10:5). We worry about things that are never going to happen, and we stress ourselves out instead of casting them away. Intentionally…
We tend to get comfortable with the things that are regularly available to us. From groceries to a roof over our head, to family members who are around us, this is our comfort zone. In Joshua 5, the people were comfortable with the God’s provision of manna on a daily…
Hearing the word no regularly can put us in a funk. It can cause us to start focusing on the negative. What we think about becomes what we say. The following are a few things to help you get headed in the right direction. 1. Stop Complaining Identify what is…