In ten years, we’re either going to be better or worse, but we won’t be the same. If we’re going to be doing something in ten years we might as well be doing the RIGHT thing. We can’t focus on what we are not, we need to focus on what…
In ten years, we’re either going to be better or worse, but we won’t be the same. If we’re going to be doing something in ten years we might as well be doing the RIGHT thing. We can’t focus on what we are not, we need to focus on what…
We live a life by design. If we don’t like our life, then we designed it wrong. I designed my life with what I wanted. I had a wife, kids, house, barn, toys, and land. I even bought land around our house so that our kids could live near us….
Who we are at the end of 2015 will depend on who we hang out with and the books we read. Obviously there are other factors, but those are key indicators of our success. …let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily…
The yoke of the enemy causes us to think about what should have happened and what didn’t happen. When we let go of that yoke and take on Jesus’ yoke, we stop thinking that life is hard or that everyone else gets all of the good breaks. God Never Sleeps,…
We have to give shape to our dreams and action to our plans. Our clothing is like a dream. Without us occupying our clothes, they are lifeless. My jacket is lifeless until I put it on, and then it moves and shows life. We have to put it on! We…
We can’t run someone else’s race. We have to do that thing that we were created to do that is our unique thumbprint in the world. Our race, which is our purpose, is not just about us. It’s about God and those who will benefit from our gift. It might…
The difference between the one who fails and the one who does not is that the person who succeeded kept trying. We have to raise our standard. We have to stop settling for giving up and quitting. We need to get determined on the inside before we ever do it…
Nothing takes God by surprise. He knows every mistake we are going to make. So why it is that we have such a hard time setting goals? What do we fear? There is nothing that can separate us from God’s love, yet many of us offer excuses for not having goals. Consider that if a business…
If we are going to get ahead and get out of whatever cycle we are in then, we need a checkup from the neck up. We need to realize that the battlefield is in our mind. How often do we create our storm and then complain when it rains? We…
In football and basketball we see teams of people working together to win the game. In the military, teams of people train together because when they work as a group they are stronger. The Bible reads; two are better than one. Why? Because two can get more done, and if…
Isn’t it nice when the individual bagging our groceries asks, “Would you like me to help carry these groceries to your car?” Or when someone holds a door open for you when your arms are full? But there are times that we don’t want help and we fight for the…
All good things are from God, and he takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. The devil’s biggest lie is that the devil is not real. His second biggest lie is that Christians should be poor, and money is bad. If he keeps Christians poor, then he keeps us…