Money gets a bad rap. How often do we hear that money is bad or money is the root of all evil? Actually, the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Money is not bad in and of itself. Money is currency, and currency was meant to flow….
Money gets a bad rap. How often do we hear that money is bad or money is the root of all evil? Actually, the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Money is not bad in and of itself. Money is currency, and currency was meant to flow….
Young athletes get excited when college or professional recruiters watch them play sports. They want a recruiter to notice their talent. Often the goal is to obtain a college scholarship or to be signed to a professional sports team. What if talent is not required and willingness is enough? The…
How often do people look at their checkbook and think, God I hope you’re on time. This mindset also applies to our circumstances. Everyone has had this thought at some time, or another. We struggle to trust that God is going to come through when we don’t see obvious our…
In the bible, there is a parable about seeds. It outlines how seeds can land on different types of soil and then either grows or does not, based on the care of the seed. These seeds are a representation of many things, but one would be our attitudes and moods….
Distractions create mental turmoil. They keep us from having deeper relationships. They cause us to multitask so much that we don’t do anything effectively. What types of distractions are keeping you from the main thing? What is YOUR main thing? The Distraction Of A Pound People who are trying to…
Just 40 years ago, we had a newspaper to read in the morning, three channels to watch on television, we had a few billboards and magazines. Now we have exponentially more options that compete for our time. We have smartphones that put dumb distractions at our fingertips, hundreds of channels…
God is a master designer. He created intricate systems inside of us and likewise in the world that we interact with on a daily basis. He made everything unique, even if it appears the same on the surface. Let’s talk about the surface and how we jack things up. God…
Manipulation is a way of indirectly influencing someone else’s behavior. Because it is subtle, it can be difficult to see the hidden agenda or motives. Manipulative motives may bury themselves under feelings of obligation or love. A manipulator has an agenda. They are controlling. And allowing their influence into our…
Have you ever wanted something so much that that you’re willing to overlook important details in order to make it happen? I have. We can’t make a decision from a position of lack or weakness that’s a terrible idea. Once we make the decision to move-in, whether in business or…
We’ve all lost our keys from time to time. I even mention it in yesterday’s blog. Can you imagine having one key for everything? I was touring a building the other day, and this guy was showing me around but he couldn’t get into certain doors. He had several keys,…
There are some motorcycles that don’t have fuel gauges, so if the rider doesn’t keep track they don’t know how much fuel they have and they may run out of gas. If we don’t keep track of our faith, if we don’t refuel and pump it up, we may run…