I used to compare myself to others who started in their ministry much earlier than I did. I would look at their websites and well, you know, I would cyber stalk them. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it, you might just choose to call it market research or Facebook…

Sometimes we go through the wrong door in life and feel cheated or betrayed. We feel hurt because our significant other has left us because that wasn’t our door. Or if they hadn’t lied and cheated on us the marriage would be successful. We wonder why the business isn’t successful…

When we take a road trip, we are focused on the destination! We plan a vacation, we think about it, we dream about it and visualize what it will be like. The anticipation builds during the entire journey. Our excitement peaks, and then we ARRIVE! Are we focused on all…

I’ve said before that we should be prepared to describe what we have to offer in 90 seconds or less. This might be in reference to our skills, our business, or our dream. Why is that, you ask? There are 90 seconds between floors on the elevator and you never…

We tend to get so focused on what we aren’t going to do that we end up doing exactly that. How many of us have made New Year’s resolutions only to see it in the rear view mirror after a few weeks. This happens because we don’t make that decision…

Have you noticed how Mama Bears are protective of their cubs? They might swat their cubs from time to time, but they are blameless because they would lay down their life for them. My wife Nicole has to get onto our daughter Ashtyn on a regular basis. I don’t question…

We all have the opportunity for joy and happiness in our life. Many times we aren’t happy because we aren’t happy with ourselves. Something is going on inside of us that manifests on the outside. I was in line at a movie theatre one day and the woman behind me…

Some people are dreamers and some are planners. The planner is someone who likes to have a plan a, b, and c. They like to try to consider all possibilities in order to be prepared for anything. They view life as a “prepare for the worst, hope for the best…

If we are not careful, we can mess up our future by choosing instant gratification, over long term results. We can get sidetracked by something we want now, and that can keep us here, which keeps us from moving over there. Our destiny is tied to someone somewhere that we…

Have you ever gone to an amusement park where they hand out those little cartoon maps showing where all of the rides are? The first thing we do is look for the “You are HERE” words. Then we decide where we want to go and map out a route to our…

Location, location, location! In real estate, it’s all about location because if our customer or buyers can’t find us, then we might be sunk before we start. With God, we can grow in favor, grow in grace, and learn proximity. Get away from here and go over there. God speaks…