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Desire comes from God, but it’s not REALLY our desire. I was spending time with God one night, and I really got into the worship so much that I worked myself into a frenzy, “Oh God, use my ministry! Oh God! Help me to help people!” And He said that’s cute how you’re trying to convince me to do something that I dropped into your heart. It turned a light on for me. All of a sudden, the pressure was off of me and placed back on God.


On the inside, I began to realize, why would I want to do these things? It’s not normal! Why would I want:

– 300,000 square feet of church to maintain
– To build churches around the world
– To rescue girls out of sex trafficking
– To give out thousands of blankets and feed inner-city people


Martin Luther King had a desire, not to get assaulted or to have Molotov cocktails thrown through his window in the middle of the night. No, He had a desire to deliver a people, and his job was to do that. History was forever changed based on a desire that he thought he had, but I don’t really think it was HIS desire.


When God says, “I give you the desires of your heart.” He’s actually saying, “I give you the desire, and then you think it’s YOUR desire, and that gives you the impetus to want to work for it and to go after it. So all of that stuff we long to have happen in our life is not really our desire anyway.


When God says to commit our ways to Him and He will establish it, or He’ll cause it to happen, it takes a lot of pressure off of us. Timing is everything, whether in dancing or music. If we get one thing out of sync, it won’t work. Maybe now the timing isn’t right for you to start that business or to get married. If it’s not then, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”


We think we’re ready, we’ve got the itch, we’re restless, but the timing just isn’t quite right. Trust me the hard part is waiting upon the Lord. In Ecclesiastics 3:1-8, it says, “There is a season and a time for everything.”


God will not give us specific direction until we follow his general direction. Are you following His general direction today? If you don’t know what to do, go back to the last thing He told you and obey. Start there. And stay with that until He tells you the next thing. Just know that with God on your side, in His timing, nothing can stop you.

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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