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Just 40 years ago, we had a newspaper to read in the morning, three channels to watch on television, we had a few billboards and magazines. Now we have exponentially more options that compete for our time. We have smartphones that put dumb distractions at our fingertips, hundreds of channels to surf on television, millions of websites and social media, in addition to activities we commit to for ourselves or our kids. Life is full of distractions to get us off track.

Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing

The enemy talks very loudly to distract us so that we can’t see the forest for the trees. We get so distracted that we get away from the main thing. Jesus. We get so caught up in our distractions that we stop enjoying life and it just starts to fly by with little substance.

Enjoy Life, But Not At The Cost Of Putting God Second

Have you ever thought it would be more fun just to go play and do something else instead of going to church to worship God? God approves of our choices as long as they don’t come before Him. When our choices put Him second, then those choices become our god instead of Him. He said, “You Shall Put No Other Gods Before Me.” (Deuteronomy 5:7) He wants us to enjoy life, but not at the cost of putting entertainment before our time with Him. That includes choosing to check our phone when we first wake up instead of talking to and acknowledging Him. (Yes, I’ve done it too.)

Does It Draw Us Closer To Or Pull Us Away From God?

As we look at our activities and choices, we need to consider if those things make us better or smarter? Instead of channel surfing, Facebooking or watching YouTube videos for hours, we could be reading our bible. We could read a book that would broaden our horizons or sit and visit with a friend face-to-face. Consider taking a break from the distractions (mute them or turn them off) for a time, put God first, and make some choices that build you up. I’d like to encourage you to invest in yourself today.

David Crank

Author David Crank

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