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We wear our W-2 yoke, our pleasing-others yoke or our kid-pleasing yoke. Why do we feel guilty that we can’t make everyone happy? It’s the flesh. If we keep doing it our way, it’s we are going to kill ourselves. God wants us to be sustainable to do what he has called us to do. He wants to do it with us.
He can do it without you, but he would rather not.
We need to learn to labor to enter into rest and to embrace the fact that God’s got this! We think we have to make it happen, but God can do it without us.

There’s No Shame In Rest

When visiting a preacher years ago, I walked in on him taking a nap. He jumped up, embarrassed that he had been asleep. God built us to go and to rest. He built us to give him the reins and to lean on him. When we resist rest, we aren’t following God’s model. Even God rested one day a week. We do our part, and he does his part. We were never intended to do it all without him OR without sufficient rest.

Experience It For Yourself

He wants you to choose fellowship with him. For you to let his anointing and power saturate your life. We cannot do what he has called us to do without rest. God modeled it; he led by example, it is our pride that causes us to keep pressing on and sacrificing our rest.

Say This With Me

Lord, you worked six days and rested on the seventh. We will willingly follow your example for whatever day of the week works in our unique schedule. We dedicate one day to you and to rest. Thank you for walking out every day with us and for modeling a balanced life. In Jesus name, Amen!


David Crank

Author David Crank

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