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It can be so easy in a world with many options to find ourselves struggling to make a decision. We are surrounded by choices. We see them in commercials, on billboards, in the car lots we pass, on the grocery store aisles, on eBay or in the spouse we choose. When we are “…Divided Between God And The World, And We Are Unstable In Everything We Do.” (James 1:8) If we worry over a decision, then we are not in faith and “Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please God.” (Hebrews 11:6)

Be Led By God

“For All Who Are Led By The Spirit Of God Are Children Of God.” (Romans 8:14) We need to ask God and not waiver. Second-guessing ourselves is unstable. When we spend time with God we grow sensitive to His voice. The closer we are to Him, the more we hear Him, the easier it is to be obedient. He needs us to make a decision based on the peace He has given us. He needs us to stand firm. He can bless THAT! If we cannot make up our mind and we allow too many influences, other than Him, into our thinking, then how is He to even know what we want? If we listen more to our sinful nature than to God, then we cannot please God.

God Will Give Us Wisdom If We Ask For It

“If You Need Wisdom, Ask Our Generous God, And He Will Give It To You. He Will Not Rebuke You For Asking.” (James 1:5) I don’t know about you, but I need guidance daily. I face tons of big and small decisions. God whispers answers regarding what I should eat, what I should buy, to what I should say.

Start Where You’re At With What You’ve Got

Don’t get caught up in rules and regulation. God knows our heart. He knows our financial situation. He knows the decisions we’ve made that have put us in our financial position. He knows our priorities and He is aware of our effort to change or not to change. Whatever our situation, it is between us and God how we begin to tithe. He tithed first, by offering His first and best in Jesus’ sacrifice. He asks us to begin where we are with what we have and He will bless our effort to work towards full obedience.

Think about it, wouldn’t it be interesting if your kids gave 1/10th of their allowance back to you as a token of their appreciation for even giving them an allowance in the first place?

Every Minute, Hour And Day Is A New Opportunity To Be Obedient

God loves it when we are obedient in the smallest of things, but He wants our heart first. He wants only good things for us. We cannot allow the condemnation of the enemy to twist what God means for our good into something that steals our joy. Obey Him in the small things and embrace the peace God has for you today!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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