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We watch team sports, marriages, and group activities that require cooperation. They either succeed because they are united or fail because they are divided. Unity provides strength. Two people are better than one. They can help each other succeed, to get up from a fall, to keep warm, or to conquer an attack back-to-back. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-13) If we don’t hang together, we hang separately and grow vulnerable. We need to find ways to be united, because division is too easy, and offers no benefits.

Confusion And Discord In An Organization

Nothing messes up corporations or organizations more than discord. The Bible reads that a double-minded person is unstable in all that they do (James 1:8). If two of you agree on earth about anything you may ask shall be done for you by My Father who is in heaven (Matthew 18:19). Lack of shared vision or di-vision ruins marriages, friendships, business partnerships, and most organizations. A united front that includes God is the key.

God Is The Conductor

God wants us to watch his baton and to move forward together. He wants to set the direction and pace. He doesn’t want our homes and businesses out of whack. He wants us in harmony with him and living in unity because those things allow us to pray bold prayers. How can one man chase a thousand men or two men put ten thousand to flight without God’s intervention? (Deuteronomy 32:30) We need to do our part so that God can put his super on our natural efforts.

Be Encouraged

Lord, I decree and declare that we are looking to you for guidance. We are united and guided by you. We do not look for fame, but give YOU the glory. We join you in what you are doing around us. Our words agree with what your word says and we will stop getting in your way. We humble ourselves and lift you up as you pave the way in our families and businesses. Thank you for answering our bold prayers and working on our behalf. To YOU be the glory, Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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