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David worshiped God with words such as I will worship and praise your name. You have magnified your word above your name. When I cry out, you answer me. All the kings of earth shall praise you. (Psalm 138:2-4) Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. (Psalm 150:6) He was raw with God, and he honored God.

Change Occurs When The Information Is Paired With Revelation

Worship the Lord and worship with gladness, not sadness. People come to church, but they come in late to hear the word and missing the purpose of the worship. They come to get information, and their heart and mind is not prepared for the revelation. How many people know what they need to do to be healthy but they don’t do it? They have the information, but it’s the revelation that sets them free.

Get Praisy

One day while I was riding my bicycle God told me that some people go crazy, but he loves that I get PRAISY. I ride along on my bike talking to God about everything I see. I pray for people that I pass and thank him for how good he is and for his love for me. I tell him that I love him. I get real. And I do this all throughout my day. I encourage you to try it. God loves it when we do that.

Be Encouraged

Lord, we acknowledge you all day in everything we do so that we can hear you as you direct our paths. We thank you for green lights, we thank you for delays that might save us from accidents, we thank you for everything that does and does not happen to us. We walk in faith and we praise you for every good and perfect thing. We worship you and we love you Lord. Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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