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When my daughter, Ashtyn, was 12 years old, I guess she was a lot like other girls her age. She had trouble keeping her room clean. It would get SO messy!

WORSE than what you’re thinking, right now. I mean, like a BOMB went off!

One day, I walked through her room and thought, “Oh my gosh! We’ve been robbed and vandalized!”

She had thrown off a blouse and the arm had actually landed IN the toilet bowl! There was no toilet paper on the roll and the dogs had messed stuff up EVERYWHERE!

I shouted at her. “HERE’S THE DEAL! THREE DAYS… NO PHONE!”

(Phone restrictions are WAY worse than corporal punishment to a kid.) She didn’t take it well. “WHAAT???”

NOPE. I stood firm… for a whole day.

Later, I realized I’d been a little too aggressive. I went back to her and said, “You know, your room WAS out of control. But, I was out of control, too. And I made a harsh judgment.”

So, I knocked a day off the phone ban.

Self-control isn’t just about how we react in the MOMENT. Apologizing doesn’t make you look bad in front of your kids. In fact, they’ll probably respect you MORE!

ANGER is a natural, God-given emotion. But, in the heat of the moment, don’t let it get the best of you!

Have a great day, today! I call you BLESSED!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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