Do you feel like there is something more for you?
Does something inside of you scream, “I can do better than this!”
Do you have a drive inside of you to live bigger and go further or higher?
There is something in an eaglets bloodline that makes him look up and realize there is more for him than that nest, something higher than his life right now.
If you look up at God today it’s because that bloodline is yours.
If you hang with chickens you’re going to continue to be a chicken, you’re going to be afraid of everything and you’re never going to soar above adversity.
Jesus paid too much for us to both pay. Would YOU pay the bill at a restaurant after your friend had already paid??? Stop hanging on your own cross and start hanging with me because there is a bloodline of SOARING and not of JUST EXISTING that you can enjoy today.
And God placed all things under his feet… Ephesians 1:22
We should be walking on top of the junk in our life instead of sinking into it…
Look at Peter… He walked on water in faith… Then he sank when he took his eyes off of Jesus and put them on his circumstances and when he put his eyes back on Jesus, he rose above his circumstances again.
I encourage you today to PUT YOUR EYES ON JESUS AND GET THEM OFF OF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES Jesus IS the solution.
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