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There was a guy in the Bible who had a few challenges. I’m going to share part of his story while weaving in some lessons we can use today. If the Bible is anything, it’s RELEVANT to our challenges in 2016.

1. I’d Like To Remind You That Every One Of Us Falls Short In Some Area

As the story goes in Luke 19, Jesus was walking by, and the tax collector wanted to see him. This tax collector was small in stature. This man was physically short, but symbolically we all fall short in areas that hold us back from the things we want to see in life (being debt free, getting or staying married, progressing in our career or trade).

2. Get Creative And Try To See The World From A Higher Vantage Point

This guy gets creative. He climbs a tree in order get to a higher level so that he could see from a different vantage point. Those who go to church mid-week gain more knowledge and understanding of God and that revelation is what moves people to a higher level of operation in life.

3. This Guy Wasn’t A Christian But Jesus Still Knew His Name

Jesus comes walking by and he called out to the tax collector, “Zacchaeus! Come down.” Jesus knew his name just as he knows yours. That is so cool! Jesus is PERSONAL to each of us!

Not everyone is going to celebrate what God is doing in your life.

As Zacchaeus came down, the Christians around Jesus start muttering and complaining. God wanted to do something big in Zaccheus’ life, but the people couldn’t stand him because he was wealthy. Jesus wanted to celebrate this guy because he loves everyone yet all of the Christians were muttering.

Be Encouraged!

I encourage you to get personal with Jesus today because he wants to get personal with you. He wants to celebrate you. He loves you. He knows your name. And he is calling you out from wherever you may be hiding so that he can do great things in your life and shower you with love. I call you blessed! Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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