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I was in a hotel room, listening to God one day. I had the pressure of the repairs for our parking lot weighing on me. If you’ve ever priced pouring a driveway for a home, imagine how much a parking lot costs. I was reading the Bible and praying, and I read, I will maintain your lot (Psalm 16:5). Granted, the Bible verse means maintaining your lot in life, but the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Wait a minute, just maintain the parking lot right now, don’t pave it yet.” So, I called to put a hold on the parking lot and requested to limit repairs to patching the holes.

Renewed Strength

The next year, oil prices dropped to a record low, which lowered the cost to pave the parking lot. We saved $600,000 because we waited. There are times that it feels like you’re waiting for something to happen (but nothing seems to be happening). When we wait, we are living out the scripture that reads, they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31). When you wait, you renew your financial strength. When you wait, you renew your marital strength. There is significance in waiting on the Lord.

Audacious Prayer

When we change the way we think from being anemic and sickly to being INSPIRING, then it makes a difference. Sometimes a change of our external environment helps us change our internal environment. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and staying focused on thinking something isn’t going to work out, we PRAY and DREAM because we’ve had a change of scenery to help us get-outside-of-our-daily-box.

PRAISY And Set Apart

The Holy Spirit grabs hold of prayer and praise and says, YEAH! GET PRAISY WITH THIS! So, we praise and pray and the Holy Spirit prompts us to write things down, and he speaks things to us that we wouldn’t have heard otherwise. Sometimes, God prompts us to pull away from a circumstance, so that he can set us apart so that we can do the part that he needs us to do.

David Crank

Author David Crank

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