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Are people talking about you? Do you let it irritate you? Fret not thyself of evildoers (don’t be upset). Neither be envious against the works of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb. TRUST in the Lord and do good (Psalm 37:1-3).

Declutter Your Mind

The worst thing we can do today is to allow people to clutter our mind with mean-spirited social media comments or with ignorant emails or texts about us. When we get upset about it, we’re drinking the poison and expecting something bad to happen to someone else. Maybe we don’t want anything bad to happen to others, but we sure wish they would stop talking about us.

Laugh By Faith

Psalm 27:13 reads the Lord laughs at the wicked, he sees their day of destruction coming. Laugh by faith and decide not to let those harsh people cause you anxiety and frustration.

Share And Help Someone

If you have something to share, please do so. You might say, “Hey I remember when that happened to me and here’s how I handled it or that happened, and I was upset for a whole day.” You never know who is having a really bad day and is reading this that you might be able to encourage them. Maybe their husband is speaking unkindly to them, or maybe someone at their office fabricated a lie about them. Tell us about
YOUR experience.

Be Encouraged

I speak that no weapon formed against you shall prosper today that God is going to work all things together for your good! I call you blessed!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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