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Those who fish from onshore can be limited by the length of their line and the type of fish that are drawn to shallow waters. The ones who leave the shore and go out into the deep have their opportunity extended by the travel of the boat and the depth of the water. Are we staying in the comfort of the shoreline and wondering why our opportunities seem limited? Or are we launching into the deep?

We Choose Our Bait And Lure Based On What We Want To Catch

We can’t “reel it in” with just any kind of bait or lure. We have to think about what we want to catch. We need to use a lure and bait that our catch is looking for, needs, or wants. God has given me a gift for creativity. I share my life and personal challenges to help others see that we all experience similar things and none of us are going through this alone.

Don’t Yank, Just Crank

When we filmed Reel It In the Captain of the boat told me that they used a guideline, “Don’t yank, just crank.” (Go Cranks!) We have to stay consistent, keep a tight line and keep cranking it in. When we yank, it gets the momentum started, but then it offers slack in the line. If we don’t keep our line tight, our “catch” is more likely to slip off the hook and get away. We need to be consistent and determined. We need to keep asking that person to come to church. We need to stay tight in our walk with God so that we hear His whispered guidance. We need to keep the faith that God is at work around us to get fish onto His hook.

The Battle Is The Lord’s

This next move in your life is a bigger move. It’s going to take a bigger boat, a bigger dream. If you want to finish school, start that business, get married and have a family, remember the victory is ours, “do not be discouraged…the battle is not yours, but the Lord’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15) We can’t wrestle AND worry. When we worry, we come from a position of defeat and that limits us. We need to learn what it is that we need to do to pull that bad boy into the boat. Dream BIG, walk in faith, remember God’s got this, and walk in victory until we see it in person.

Assignment: Launch Into The Deep

Jesus told the Disciples to launch into the deep, to go back out and do it again. They had been fishing all day, so they probably thought He was crazy, but something about Him made them want to do as He suggested. When they did what He said, they were amazed at the results. They took in so much fish that their boat couldn’t hold it all. Are we doing as He says and launching into the deep today? I’d like to encourage you to listen to that quiet voice inside that is nudging you out of your comfort zone to go into the deep. Remember, when God is in it there is no limit!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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