In the blog photo we see a great example of completing instead of competing. This photo shows a disabled man as the pilot of a two-person bicycle, with a blind man on the back adding momentum. We might say these guys are competing while completing, but that’s another blog altogether. The point is that we all bring something to the table no matter where we are in life. I could easily compare myself to my good friend, Joel Osteen. Yet no matter how hard I try I cannot be him and no matter how hard he tries he can’t be me. God put us in our respective places for a purpose. He can’t view himself as the moped and I can’t view myself as the moped.* We are each the best us that we can be.
God Found David On The Backside Of A Hill
In 1 Samuel 18, David had many reasons to compare himself to his brothers. He already felt rejected over not having the bling of his brothers. He was a little bit warrior and a little bit poet. He was different and his brothers didn’t understand him. He was hidden as a shepherd out in the fields. Meanwhile his Dad sent his brothers out as soldiers to get the glory, but God found David on the back side of a hill. David wasn’t Facebook stalking people. He wasn’t trying to get attention. He was just being himself. David was being the best version of himself that he could be.
You Just Gotta Be You. How?
Well this is a process, but it’s not that hard. Once we weed out what everyone else expects of us and we dig deep to what God has put into our heart there’s only one question to ask. What cranks your tractor? What makes you go? Me? I’m a communicator. I’m different, but that’s ok. I’m just ME! The problem people have is that they don’t know their purpose or they haven’t accepted or embraced it. So they DO compete, thinking they need to be something they aren’t. No. We need to complete!
Do You Have Wishbone Or Backbone?
God wants you to be celebrating who you are and what you have instead of who are you aren’t and what you don’t have. You don’t know how many others look at you and think I really wish I had what they have. Too many people are walking around with too much wishbone and not enough backbone. We need to agree that you will be you and I will be me and we will NOT compare ourselves to each other or anyone else! Will you join me in that commitment today?